Warts Plethora F1Warts Plethora F1

Warts Plethora F1 Pumpkin


Warts Plethora F1 Pumpkin
Fruit Type – Specialty Pumpkins
Average Weight – 10 to 15 lb.
Plant Type – Vine

Genus/specie – Cucurbita maxima
Average Maturity – 100 Days
Average Seed Count – 2700
Suggested Spacing – 48 sq. ft. per plant
IR; Powdery Mildew, strong


Pink fruit are flattened with deep orange flesh; many with warts.
Warts become more prevalent as fruit mature and during warm weather.
If the growing season is cool, or short, warts will not have the time to develop.
Warts Plethora is one of our best products for cooking and baking.


2025 Pricing
FarMore Treated Seed
100 seeds $39.70
250 seeds $83.87
500 seeds $129.00
1M $198.50
5M (per M) $196.50
Untreated Seed
100 seeds $38.40
250 seeds $81.25
500 seeds $125.00
1M $192.00
5M (per M) $190.00