Misty Mountain F1 PumpkinMisty Mountain F1 Pumpkin

Misty Mountain F1 Pumpkin


Misty Mountain F1 Pumpkin
Fruit Type – Specialty Pumpkin
Average Weight – 17 lb
Plant Type – Vine

Genus/specie – Cucurbita maxima
Average Maturity – 95 Days
Average Seed Count – 1500
Suggested Spacing – 48 sq. ft. per plant
Experimental Designation – 8965
IR; Powdery Mildew, strong


Large, dark blue to medium blue fruit. Many fruit are rough textured.
Some fruit have lighter blue striping on a dark blue background.
Excellent eating quality.
A most unique new hybrid; mix with Warty Sunset F1, Rembrandt F1, White Delight F1, and Pink Hearts F1 for a colorful display of Specialty Pumpkins.


2025 Pricing
FarMore Treated Seed
100 seeds $39.70
250 seeds $83.87
500 seeds $129.00
1M $198.50
5M (per M) $196.50
Untreated Seed
100 seeds $38.40
250 seeds $81.25
500 seeds $125.00
1M $192.00
5M (per M) $190.00