Progress F1 PumpkinProgress F1 Pumpkin

Progress F1 Pumpkin


Progress F1 Pumpkin
Fruit Type
– Small

Average Weight – 7-10 lb.
Plant Type – Semi-bush

Genus/specie – Cucurbita pepo
Average Maturity – 100 Days
Average Seed Count – 4000
Suggested Spacing – 32 sq. ft. per plant
IR; Powdery Mildew, strong


Excellent, long, twisting, black handle.
Very dark orange fruit with narrow, deep ribbing.
Small size fruit and excellent long twisting handle make Progress great for children.
Excellent yield potential. Some growers report 8 fruit per plant or more.


2025 Pricing
FarMore Treated Seed
100 seeds $20.90
250 seeds $44.14
500 seeds $67.90
1M $104.50
3M (per M) $101.50
15M (per M) $96.50
Untreated Seed
100 seeds $19.60
250 seeds $41.41
500 seeds $63.70
1M $98.00
3M (per M) $95.00
15M (per M) $90.00